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Department of criminology

faculty of social and political sciences Universitas Indonesia



Criminology comes from the Latin: crimen and logos. Crimen means crime, while logos means science

Thus, literally, criminology is the science of crime, or rather criminology studies all aspects of crime. The word “criminology” was first used by French anthropologist Paul Topinard (1830-1911) who researched the physical anthropology approach to find a correlation of how body shape influences someone to commit crime. However, a discussion of the problems of crime has been studied earlier, as in work of Cesare Beccaria (1738-1794) and Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832). Criminology can be classified as a discipline that has only recently emerged although discussions about crime have emerged at least 250 years ago.

Criminology can be defined as a systematic study of the nature, types, causes, and controls of criminal behavior, deviance, delinquency, and violations of law. Criminology is a social science in which criminologists work to build knowledge about crime and control based on empirical research. The research forms the basis for understanding, explanation, prediction, prevention, and policy in criminal justice system.

Edwin Sutherland in the Principles of Criminology (first published in 1934) explains that criminology examines the processes of law making (sociology of law), law breaking (etiology of crime), and reaction toward those who breaking the laws (penology).

Despite being strongly influenced by sociology, criminology is also rooted in a number of other disciplines, such as anthropology, biology, economics, geography, history, philosophy, political science, psychiatry, and psychology. Each discipline develops different thoughts, perspectives, and methods to study and analyze the causes of crime with various policy implications.

Criminology is a highly flexiblescientific discipline, not just because of its multidisciplinary style, but also because crimes manifest in different social and legal contexts, in different places and times.



Criminology provides a holistic understanding of crime. Grounded upon the scientific methods, criminological knowledge is thus never based on common sense. Studying criminology therefore means seeing the phenomenon of crime with comprehensive understanding. This matters because the lay-understanding of crime often still has incorrect and common sensical assumptions.

Studying criminology can also be useful in making public policy (particularly criminal policy) or appropriate decisions to corespond to crime. In fact, the recent development of contemporary criminology is characterized by the emergence of public criminology, which aims to narrow the chasm between academics and the public at large. The scientific recommendations from criminologists are then used as the basis for policy formation that promotes social justice and respect for human rights.


Criminology objects of study can be categorized into crimes, offenders, victims, and social reaction to crimes.

The rapid and vast development of criminology for at least the past four decades has led to a variety of diverse studies such as gender inequality, delinquency and child protection, human rights, white-collar crime, sentencing and imprisonment, criminal justice systems, terror and terrorism, crime against the environment, police and policing, media, narcotics, cyber crimes, transnational and organized crimes, and criminal policies.

And it certainly does not rule out the possibility that along with the globalization, criminology studies are growing and expanding through the ever more intricate meaning of humanity and crimes.





Criminology at Universitas Indonesia began with the establishment of Lembaga Kriminologi Universitas Indonesia (LKUI) (Universiteit van Indonesia heritage). This institution was formerly called Criminologisch Instituut and is a multidisciplinaryscientific organization consisting of forensic medicine, chemistry and forensic nature (criminalism), criminal law and criminology.

LKUI was established on September 15, 1948, long before the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences was established (on February 1, 1968) – and in 1988, LKUI changed its name to Pusat Pelayanan Keadilan dan Pengabdian Hukum (Center for Justice and the Legal Service). This institution was closed in 2006.

LKUI was the birthplace of the Department of Criminology which was initially based on a “bio-sociological” approach. Jan Remmelink describes the bio-sociological approach as follows.

“… without certain physical tendencies, crime possibly cannot emerge…”

 Therefore the initial curriculum of the Department of Criminology included “anthropo-biology,” “forensic psychiatry” and “forensic psychology” courses. Paul Moedikdo, S.H. the initiator and founder of the Department of Criminology brought this idea of a bio-sociological approach into a theory called “teori dialog“.

Precisely in late 1970s, the Department of Criminology has relied more on approaches from social sciences, thus seeing crimes as social phenomena. Therefore, the Department of Criminology, Universita Indonesia has been a part of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.

The Department of  Criminology, Universitas Indonesia is one of the few of criminology teaching institutions as a department in universities. However, criminology as a course has been widely taught in various faculties of law in Indonesia. This is particularly to help students understand criminal law extensively. In addition to that, criminology as a study concentration or specialization has also been conducted for example by the Department of Sociology at Universitas Hassanudin.

In 2009, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia held a meeting to discuss the possibility of opening a criminology department outside Universitas Indonesia. The meeting was attended by about twenty representatives of universities from all over Indonesia which had faculties of social science.

The vast and rapid growth and changes in society have spurred the new and latest forms of crimes such as cyber crimes, transnational crime, organized crime, and radical puritanism. The Department of Criminology, Universitas Indonesia has used the framework of the industrial revolution 4.0 in facing the challenges so that we can recommend public policy based on feminist criminology, realist criminology, constitutive criminology, catastrophic criminology, visual criminology, cultural criminology, newsmaking criminology, green criminology, computational criminology.


Department of


To realize the Department of Criminology as the best institution for criminology  higher-education, research, and social service in ASEAN.


Department of


To administer and conduct education, research and social service in criminology.


Department of


Graduates who are able to:

  1. Commit to life-long learning that includes IT development and knowledge, arts, and sports. 
  2. Able to cooperate and adapt to their environment and be actively engaged to and serve their society. 
  3. Communicate in Indonesian and English to articulate ideas in written and oral means.
  4. Think and argue critically in analysing criminal problems.
  5. Conduct quantitative and qualitative research in criminology.


Department of Criminology


Is there any International Class at the Department of Criminology?

“International Class” at the Department of Criminology hosted for certain subjects with the delivery of content and discussion in English. This class is also intended for foreign students who take part in the Inbound (student exchange) program held by the Universitas Indonesia.

Note : For information on the availability of International Classes (for Indonesia student), it can be accessed through the SIMAK UI website (simak.ui.ac.id) and Admission UI (penerimaan.ui.ac.id). For international student, please access admission.ui.ac.id for registration. Information may change at any time without notice, depending on the policies of the Criminology Department and the Universitas Indonesia.


Department of Criminology

The Department of Criminology FISIP UI has the following organizational structure:

Iqrak Sulhin, S.Sos., M.Si., Dr.
Anggi Aulina Harahap, Dipl.Soz, Dr.
Yogo Tri Hendiarto, S.Sos., M.Si
Vinita Susanti, Dra.,M.Si., Dr.
Arindita Raldiutami Koestoer, S.Sos, M.Sc
Herlina Permata Sari, S.Sos., M.Crim.
Reni Kartikawati, S.Sos, M.Krim.


Department of Criminology

Adrianus Eliasta Meliala, Drs., M.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D, Prof.
Muhammad Mustofa, M.A., Dr., Prof.
Anggi Aulina Harahap, Dipl.Soz, Dr.
Arthur Josias Simon Runturambi, Drs., M.Si, Dr.
Bhakti Eko Nugroho, S.Sos, M.A.
Dadang Sudiadi, Drs., M.Si.
Dr. Kisnu Widagso, S.Sos, M.T.I
Dr. Mohammad Irvan Olii, S.Sos., M.Si
Eko Hariyanto, Drs., M.Si
Herlina Permata Sari, S.Sos., M.Crim.
Iqrak Sulhin, S.Sos., M.Si., Dr.
Johannes Sutoyo, Drs., M.A.
Mamik Sri Supatmi, Dra., M.Si
Mohammad Kemal Dermawan, M.Si., Dr.
Ni Made Martini Puteri, Dra., M.Si., Dr.
Vinita Susanti, Dra.,M.Si., Dr.
Yogo Tri Hendiarto, S.Sos., M.Si


Department of Criminology

Agustin Dea Prameswari, S.Sos., M.Si.
Anzilna Mubaroka, S.Ikom., M.Krim.
Reni Kartikawati, S.Sos, M.Krim.


Bali Regional Police (Indonesian National Police)

Integrity Indonesia


Undergraduate Program

Rank A

4725/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/XII/2017Valid until 12 Desember 2022


Master Program

Rank B

531/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/VI/2015Valid until 22 Juni 2020


Doctoral Program

Rank A

594/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/D/VI/2015Valid until 27 Juni 2020






Undergraduate Program (For Indonesia Student)

Postgraduate program (for indonesia student)





Nusantara 1 Building, 2nd Floor
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik)
Universitas Indonesia
Depok, West Java, Indonesia 16424

E-mail : depkrim@ui.ac.id

Tel. : (+62 21) 727 1574

Fax. : (+62 21) 7884 9012